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IFI Global media provides the global investment industry with independent research & analysis on critical issues which will determine the future shape of the asset management business



IFI Global is building a podcast library for alternative fund business. Interviews are conducted with leaders in the industry including in fund & risk governance, ESG as well as in the range of areas covered by SIS: fund domiciliation, independent directors, ManCos & service providers.


The only publication devoted to fund & risk governance. The NED focuses on governance for investors as well as for those who serve on fund boards & asset managers. It covers director selection issues in detail as well as the governance challenges in emerging asset classes like digital and the sustainable investment sectors. View our Director Database.


There are both individual & group corporate subscription rates. Please contact Tamara Sims for details.

Private funds governance

Private fund managers want to broaden their investor base so they are not as reliant on large institutional allocators. This is presenting many of them with some interesting fund governance challenges.

Cayman roundtable

Highlights of the roundtable that The NED held to discuss fund governance in Cayman. It’s the first in a series of podcast roundtables that The NED is hosting with the fund jurisdictions in 2025.

AIFM-ManCo buyer’s guide

A summary of IFI Global’s 2025 ManCo Guide, published primarily for US and other third-country managers. Includes AUMs and number of funds hosted by the leading players.

SII Sustainable Investment Intelligence

Sustainable investment analysis & expertise. SII specialises in sustainable investment for institutions & other professional investors. The publication includes an Environmental Investment Monitor which focuses on allocations by institutional investors to the main sustainable investment sectors as well as the funds covering those areas.

There are both individual & group corporate subscription rates. Please contact Tamara Sims for details.

Sustainable sector review

A review of developments in each of the five main sustainable sectors which institutional investors and family offices allocate to, these are: renewables, biodiversity/nature, waste/recycling, water and forestry/timber.

Missing sustainable allocations

Investment in the sustainable sectors is growing very strongly indeed but some of what is happening is going undetected. That is because the industry hasn’t got the right tools to measure what is going on.

Impact review

A look at recent developments in impact investing including the metrics used in allocation decisions and the most popular strategies that are being adopted to advance the impact cause. Includes forecasts from recent reports on impact’s likely asset growth.


Advice & intelligence for US managers going offshore or coming to Europe. FSI is for US managers & their advisors looking for independent intelligence on fund structuring matters when expanding overseas. 


There are both individual & group corporate subscription rates. Please contact Tamara Sims for details.

Liquidity: directors' biggest risk problem

The fifth part of the series on risk looks at how fund boards deal with liquidity risk. It includes analysis of the fund sectors which are likeliest to suffer from liquidity problems in the event of a market crash.

Guide to Europe

Part III of FSI’s Guide to Europe for US managers focuses on domiciliation. It covers the options open to them both in the EU and offshore.

Climate governance report

Highlights of a major research report by IFI Global and Fathom on climate risk governance. It reveals that many boards haven’t yet get on top of climate risk, which is complex as it covers environmental risk, regulatory risk, business risk, reputational risk and litigation risk. A new approach is needed.

Macro Weekly

Macro-economic & geopolitical analysis for the investment industry. IFI Global’s Macro Weekly focuses on the impact of macro-economic & geopolitical events on the fund industry & its investors.


There are both individual & group corporate subscription rates. Please contact Tamara Sims for details.

Tokenisation take-off?

Tokenisation's adoption by the asset management industry has been steady rather than explosive. Over the next two to three years, the pace will almost certainly pick up substantially.

Renewable investing: another dotcom bubble?

Investment into all forms of clean energy, especially in renewables, is breaking records. Too much capital is now chasing too few investable projects.

Developing de-dollarisation

The US dollar's status as the world's reserve currency has been on a downward trend for a long time but it appears that the process may now be accelerating.

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